It has been just about 2 weeks since Apple released the long awaited iOS4.2. And among the many new features that were released, including Multi-tasking for the iPad (Yay!!!), was the new Airprint feature. Airprint allows for wireless printing of emails, photos, documents and even web pages from all supporting iOS devices like the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. However, on the release of iOS4.2 it was said that Apple had decided to pull back the Airprint feature due to apparent stability and compatibility issues. On the release of iOS4.2 the Airprint feature was however made available with certain restrictions in place, like being able to print wireless to a few select HP printers only. Ofcourse this was a massive disappointment to me because despite having an HP printer, mine was not on the compatibility list.
So is this the end of the line for Airprint? Certainly not! There were many posts on various forums after iOS4.2's release detailing ways to enable Airprint on iOS devices but were very intricate and could be quite confusing to the average bloak. Many forums referred to downloading files from the the beta version OS X and putting them in the appropriate locations on your Mac. I found this way too risky so i kept searching.
I stumbled on to a post that seemed really simple and straight forward. I tried it and it works beautifully.
Click on the following link and follow the simple instructions given and you should be good to go in no time! Remember installation is at your own risk so dont forget to BACKUP!
Have fun and enjoy! :-)
Airprint Hactivator
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